
Montagna Range | Closed Reactor

Reliability and durability with a wide selection of installation options

The Forma-E range is the most versatile system within the Forma product line. It uses low pressure high output (LPHO) UV-C germicidal lamps connected to ferromagnetic power supplies, ensuring superior reliability in unfavourable environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, power supply). These systems are commonly used in drinking (potable) water applications. The Forma-E systems however, are also suitable in other processes for medium to high flow rate applications.

When installed in harsh environments, the UV reactors are typically equipped with minimal electronic components. Depending upon client needs however and/or project specifications, the Forma-E systems can be equipped with high levels of automation, including local PLC to monitor and control system operations (automatic wiper system, remote telemetry, etc.).

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Key Benefits

High reliability and versatility of the product line, which is custom engineered for each client application.


The Forma-E line is extremely versatile and has the ability to support a wide range of applications, from ultrapure water to wastewater disinfection applications.